Something about me

Something about me

I’m On site Engineer since February 2006, taking care of both buildings, with help of the Community Specialist management and my coworkers of course not to forget the great leadership of the 900/910 board members that provide all the guidance.

I love the job I’m doing here , most of the residents are happy with my services. Most of the complaints are coming when the season changes ( I will try to explain in detail later what is involved and why some things I can’t change). My priorities are your safety, property protection and comfort ( by keeping in proper functioning condition the: life and safety equipment, electrical equipment and components, HVAC systems, plumbing…). All that is influenced by the maintenance, age and conditions at any given day, keeping all that in order I take as a big responsibility in every day of my job. You can also ask any questions that you might have about the buildings I will certainly try to answer.